The Honour Of Awarding The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal
One of the great privileges of being a Senator was to have the opportunity to bestow the great honour known as The Queen's Diamond Jubilee on our veterans, these most deserving men and women who fought for our freedoms. I was joined on the occasion by Hon. June Draude, cabinet minister and MLA for Kelvington- Wadena. The medals mark the 60th year in the reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and are awarded for service to community or service that brings credit to Canada.
At the ceremony in the Wadena Legion Hall, we paid tribute to veterans of the Second World War, the Korean War, and the war in Afghanistan, all of whom have risked their lives for Queen and country. Congratulations to all—we are so proud to know you.
Here are some photos from the ceremony.

Recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal: Elmer Olafson, Boyd Pladson, Arthur Ross, John Scratton, Francis Shirley, Fred Slowski, Mike Sowa, Walter Tarnowetski, Mike Tokarchuk, John Usipiuk, William Wallin, Robert Govan, Keith Graham, Clarence O. Gronsdahl, Michael Hlady, Thelma Holmstrom, George Keller, Edward Leach, James Marshall, Tom Morton, Barry Needham, Glen Nordmarken, Leslie J. Beard, John Bencharski, Frank E. Blosser Anthony Bohaychuk Wasyl Chaykoski Allan N. Cherney John Evans Colville, George H. Demmans, Ronald Dickson, Leo Eberts, Victor Gislason.