No Nonsense Podcast
Governing in Troubled Times with Paul Wells
Paul Wells, author of “Justin Trudeau on the Ropes: Governing in Troubled Times” joins us on No Nonsense with his view on what the Liberal by-election loss means for the PM.
Read MoreThe Latest Political Polling Data with Darrell Bricker
The latest data shows that 68% of voters think that Justin Trudeau should resign. Darrell Bricker explains what Canadians are looking for in a new leader.
Read MoreThe West’s Response to Ukraine with Marcus Kolga
The political winds are shifting across Europe and elections in the West may change support for Ukraine. Is it a war that’s winnable? Marcus Kolga on the state-of-play
Read MoreUS Politics State of Play with Clifford Young
The battle lines are long drawn in the U S. election campaign. Can anything change hearts and minds? Clifford Young on how he thinks it will play out.
Read MoreThe Millennial Panel with Derek Fildebrandt, Jennifer Laewetz, and J.J. McCullough
The millennial view on politics, the economy, and culture wars with Derek Fildebrandt, Jennifer Laewetz, and J.J. McCullough on this week’s No Nonsense.
Read MoreThe New Normal with Jeff Rubin
What does a “Map of the New Normal” look like? Author Jeff Rubin discusses the impact of inflation, war, and sanctions on the world as we know it.
Read MoreChinese Foreign Interference with Sam Cooper
From casinos to condos, investigative journalist Sam Cooper explains Canada’s ties to foreign organized crime and foreign interference in our politics and businesses.
Read MoreThe Current Global Stage with Walter Russell Mead
In the world of diplomacy, the truth is often blurred by the smoke and mirrors. Walter Russell Mead explains why words matter but actions count in the Middle East.
Read MoreForeign Interference, the Federal Budget, and Other Headlines with Tasha Kheiriddin, Mark Norman, and Margaret McCuaig-Johnston
Trump on trial, universities on fire, foreign interference in Canadian elections, and a budget with unprecedented debt. Mark Norman, Tasha Kheiriddin, and Margaret McCuaig-Johnston on No Nonsense.
Read MoreThe 2024 Canadian Federal Budget with Bill Robson and Sylvain Charlebois
The Canadian government pays 65 billion tax dollars a year on interest payments, more than the country spends on healthcare! Much more than we spend on the military and no relief from the carbon tax for the agri-food sector. Bill Robson, Economist at the C.D. Howe Institute and Sylvain Charlebois, Food Professor at Dalhousie, weigh…
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