No Nonsense Podcast
Inflation and Global Economic Overview with Steve Hanke
What is the connection between inflation and too much money in the system? Inflation Whisperer Steve Hanke explains on No Nonsense.
Read MoreThe Global Conversation with UN Ambassador Bob Rae
From pandemics to cyberespionage and war… do we need global responses or national ones? Canada’s UN Ambassador Bob Rae
Read MoreThe State of American Politics with David H. Wilkins
The red wave become a red trickle! Former U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins explains why. The state of American politics on No Nonsense.
Read MoreMilitary Historian Tim Cook on Remembering
The importance of Remembering. Historian Tim Cook says telling the stories of those who fought for our freedoms is the least we owe them… Lest we forget.
Read MoreThe State of the Canadian Armed Forces with Mark Norman
The Impact of Censorship on Canadian Content Creators with J.J. McCullough
The Voter Matrix with Allan Gregg
Coalitions, identity politics, the clash of values… even immigration means no more ‘politics as usual.’ Pollster and social science researcher Allan Gregg on the morphing voter matrix.
Read MoreThe Front Lines of Medical Assistance in Dying with Dr. Jean Marmoreo and Johanna Schneller
A must read before discussing your end-of-life wishes with loved ones and doctors. In The Last Doctor, Dr. Jean Marmoreo, a MAiD provider, and author Johanna Schneller offer amazing stories about life, death, dignity and the complexities of the Canadian medical and political systems – on this week’s No Nonsense.
Read MoreEscaping the Taliban with Umulbanin Arjmand and David Fraser
Escaping the clutches of the Taliban at 19, Umulbanin Arjmand, now a Saskatoon high school student and refugee, shares her story from Afghanistan to the Canadian Prairies, while former Major-General David Fraser shares updates on the ongoing crisis.
Read MoreThe Rotman School of Management presents: Brian Mulroney on the impact and legacy of Michael Wilson
From the Rotman School of Management: As Minister of Finance under then Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, the late Michael Wilson shaped some of the most impactful economic policies in generations. From the negotiation of Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (which led to NAFTA), to the introduction of the controversial Goods and Services Tax (GST), Wilson dramatically…
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